What does Jessica eat?

The answer is easy, join my Food Foundation Detox, and I will spell out how I eat in 28 days of bite-sized pieces of information. Not only will I share a cookbook for the season with my very own recipes, but I send lists of my snack ideas,  tricks on how to make eating healthier easy, and where to find amazing food.

Why do I eat like this?

Because, once I reached my 30s, I didn't feel invincible anymore, and my doctor told me that was normal.


It is not normal to experience bloating, indigestion, migraines, constipation, depression, irritability, miscarriages, and anxiety. Unfortunately, the norm has been to take medication for these symptoms, but that doesn't help either. In fact, it will appear to help temporarily as it masks your real problems and then the root cause will get worse.

What your doctor may not have shared with you is that you can remove all of those symptoms if you simply eat the food your body was designed to digest and be nourished by.

It's not rocket science, but we are absolutely 100%, what we eat.

Since making the change to a Food Foundation diet and lifestyle, I have not only gotten rid of the inflammation, IBS, constipation, migraines, and PMS I suffered from before, but I feel great, I LOVE my life, and I have a healthy relationship with food.

Yes, I eat this way 100% of the time.


A real food diet does not mean you cannot have bread, you cannot have cheese, or cannot have treats. It's about eating nutrient dense food 80% of the time and treating yourself to a healthy, real food, decadent treat once in awhile, because we are only human and we all need a little sweetness in our life.

It's true that your body can be continuously detoxing day to day, in fact that is how nature designed our amazing livers. It's only after constant abuse that the liver becomes congested and unable to detox anymore, which results in all of the symptoms I mentioned above, plus weight gain.

The Food Foundation Detox will show you how to eat like me, but not exactly. You will  learn to improvise and leave room for your personal preferences and needs, so really you will learn how to eat best for YOU!

What does Jessica eat for breakfast?

Most of the time, I eat 2 eggs a day with vegetables and a side of sour kraut. The detox will help you realize that breakfast is the most important meal a day, especially if you are trying to regulate your metabolism and lose weight. Breakfast should be savory, and consist of high proteins, and high healthy fats.

What does Jessica eat for lunch?

Soup or salad most days. Always with protein, always full of vegetables, a little healthy fat, and a ferment. This is ramen, I made with beef bone broth, smoked salmon because it's fast, lots of greens, and pickled ginger. The salad has smoked black cod, sunflower seeds, and avocado for brain fuel.

Lunch is often overlooked in our busy lives, but miss it, and you will eat the craziest choices when you finally get home from work. The detox helps you put together a nutrient dense meal to get the brain fuel you need when your metabolism is strongest.

Eat lunch so you can make calm choices when you get home from work.

What does Jessica eat for a snack?

I often leave work early to pick up the kids from school. Instead of asking them what they want, which would probably not end well, I simply cut up a few things on hand and just lay out an appetizer plate. I end up eating whatever is left behind on most days which may end up being a cucumber with a bit of hummus.

The important thing to remember with snacks is that your body is not burning fat, but burning sugar if you feel like you need to eat between meals. If that sweet craving is unbearable, look for a high protein snack instead and join my detox to curb those "hangry" cravings.

What does Jessica eat for Dinner?

Most often, I grab one pot and start cooking whatever is in the kitchen. It usually ends up being a ghoulash, a spaghetti sauce, or this version I call stroganoff which reminds me of hamburger helper, but with fresh ingredients. The point is to use fewer dishes to clean up, use up ingredients on hand, and get as many nutrients into my family as I can. I prefer dishes that are fast and friendly for children which is what you will find in the detox cookbook.

What does Jessica eat for Dessert?

Dessert is a very rare treat in our house, that should never be expected in my opinion. When we do enjoy more food after dinner, we put out a fresh plate of fruit, nuts, dates, or sweet healthy foods.

I often make a nice tea and snuggle in with my kids to read a book or my husband to chat about his day. I'm trying to teach my children to cherish our sweet moments, not sweet junk food right before bed.

Turmeric tea is an excellent detox tea, that soothes the soul and bridges the gap for someone trying to get off nightly desserts.

The Food Foundation Detox begins in January, register now and get ready. This is not a quick loss, yo-yo diet that has been proven to fail, but an education on how to eat for the rest of your life with delicious real food and healthy treats.

I LOVE this detox and I am so excited to share it with you. It's a very inexpensive way to change your diet slowly and efficiently to fuel your body like a high performance machine.

Let me help you fall in love with your food, your body, and your life!

Food Foundation Detox


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