Orange Chakra Yoga - Creative Flow

If you felt more balanced after the red chakra yoga video addressed your root energy, just wait until you wiggle your hips and unlock your creative energy.
The orange chakra, Svadhistana, is the water energy in the pelvis, where your literal creation begins. We often get stuck in our hips as we sit all day and this 20min video invites you to circle your hips like a belly dancer on the beach and get that creative energy flowing.
I hope you feel free in your hip joints and a stirring energy ready to create with the gift of free time you may be experiencing during our shelter in place. Instead of sitting down to binge more TV, unlock your creative potential, and share something beautiful with the world. We definitely need your inspiration and would love to see pictures of what you are working on.
This video is my creation for you, now let us see your work. You can share photos or link to them under the Orange Chakra video or on the Food Foundation Facebook page where I'm here to support you.
Your wellness muse,
Other articles in this series:
Blue Chakra Yoga -- Green Chakra Yoga -- Yellow Chakra Yoga -- Red Chakra Yoga