Red Chakra Yoga - Root Energy

Hi from my shelter in place,
I’ve created this online yoga series for you to continue to move your body and be mindful at home. This first video could not come at a more poignant time because it all begins with the red root chakra at the base of the spine, which governs all of our primal needs: home, food, family, and work. All of these have been disrupted, and that can really send your energy into a whirlwind of anxiety, irritability, and depression.
The chakras are the energy centers in the body that align with your posture from the tailbone to the crown of your head. They are massive energy junctions both anatomically and metaphysically with cool Sanskrit names like Muladhara for the red root chakra. An easier way to remember them however, is by following the colors of the rainbow.
This 20min video is a very grounding practice meant to help you feel your energy rooting down into the Earth and connecting back into your most primal need - breathing. It can be done with the whole family and is safe for pregnancy. If you’re on a new homeschooling schedule it can be done as a 20min physical education for the kids. It can be done as a warm up if you’re gearing up for a big run, hike, or an online dance class. It could also be a cool down if you’re feeling your energy is about to erupt from everyone sharing your space at home.
I encourage you to watch the video first to see what type of movements are explained and please feel free to modify anything that’s not right for your body. As an ex-professional dancer, I learned the art of yoga with my innate wisdom of how the body dances, and I love to create sequences that flow. I became a certified yoga instructor in 2004, taught for 15 years, and continue to have a thriving practice, but I still consider myself a beginner with a passion for learning so feel free to laugh at any of my mistakes. These videos are harder than you think to make… pant… pant… and if I bring you a giggle of joy, that will make my day.
Please feel free to dance in your movement, and take whatever pathway calls to you from the first movement to the last. Practice this root energy sequence for a week and then you may be ready for my orange yoga video which focuses on the hips and ‘going with the flow’. Be prepared to loosen up. ;)
If you like my video, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and make sure you sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page so I can get all 7 sequences to you and hopefully help make these next few weeks fly by.
We are all in this together, we are ONE, and though I cannot see you in person right now, the light within me shines and honors the light within you.
Your wellness muse,
Jessica Campbell, MS, FNTP
Other articles in this series:
Blue Chakra Yoga -- Green Chakra Yoga -- Yellow Chakra Yoga -- Orange Chakra Yoga