15 Detox Foods

Maybe you're not eager to jump into a full detox, but you are interested in flushing a few toxins. Don't worry, I've completely got your back. Here are 15 foods that are well documented to help the body in its natural process of detoxification.
15 Detox Foods

- Beets - probably the most recognized, beets are known for their ability to flush the liver. They are cancer fighting gems, full of magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. Try grating them raw into a salad, roasting them chopped up at 400 for 35 minutes, or juicing them with carrots and apples. Don't forget you can eat the greens, often more flavorful than spinach.
- Brazil Nuts - full of selenium which flushes mercury from the system. Brazil nuts, aka filberts, are so potent in selenium that you only need 2 per day to make a difference. Make sure to eat your nuts raw, and preferably soaked overnight or sprouted, and then dehydrated or dried until crispy.
- Seaweed - this mineral rich sea vegetable is full of iodine which stimulates metabolism by nourishing the thyroid. It also cleanses lead from the body. Try adding Dulse flakes to your soups, add a strip of Kombu to your pot of beans, or enjoy some sushi.
- Onion - the liver has 2 main phases of detoxification to escort chemicals out of the body. The second involves sulfur which is bountiful in onions. Onions also support the immune system. Start your meals with diced onions in butter, they make every dish tastier and better for you.
- Sesame seeds - don't be fooled by their size, raw sesame seeds pack a powerful punch. They flush alcohol and other toxins from the body. Try Gomasio, a Japanese condiment, that combines sesame seeds, seaweed, and sea salt for a really healthy addition to your soups. All sesame should not be cooked; it is too fragile for the heat. Instead add sesame oil or seeds as a topping once it's cooked.
- Ginger - one of the most important therapeutic foods, ginger stimulates metabolism, supports the thyroid and adrenals, flushes waste from the body, and cleanses the liver. Slice a thumb sized piece of ginger root, peel it, and slice into a pot of water. Boil slowly for 10-15 minutes for fresh tea.
- Parsley - full of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene which improves liver function. The liver has 450+ jobs which burn through a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Parsley is like offering it a high octane performance fuel. Try growing a little parsley plant in your kitchen window. Chop it up fine and add it to nearly any dish for improvement to your health.
- Pineapple - full of bromelain which is often extracted to make digestive enzymes. Simply eat it with your meal, or for dessert to improve digestion and cleanse the colon.
- Artichokes - most vegetables are detox supporters because they have high amounts of antioxidants which are used to process toxins. Artichokes also have cynarin which is used to break down fats, and is a well known anti-inflammatory agent. Boil slowly for an hour, then dip into aioli, before scraping the leaves with your teeth. Make sure to boil them in fresh spring water because you can drink the tonic too. Add some lemon juice and sea salt for a healthy tea.
- Cinnamon - makes you feel full or satiated and reduces appetite by aiding in processing fats and stimulating metabolism. It is full of iron, calcium, and magnesium which are important minerals for bone health. Add a cinnamon stick to your pot of beans, or sprinkle it on your yogurt and oatmeal.
- Apples - an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but why? Apples are full of quercetin, a potent antioxidant and pectin, a soluble fiber that removes food additives and metals from the body. Heritage apples used to have about 6g of sugar, but the new breeds have been found with 26g of sugar. Look at the farmer's markets for old varietals and enjoy.
- Fennel - all green vegetables are full of fiber and help flush toxins from the body, but fennel also helps calm the nervous system and promotes digestion. Roast sliced fennel in the oven, or chew some fennel seeds after a meal for digestive support.
- Avocados - full of potassium and fiber, avocados cleanse the colon. With a healthy source of fat, they keep you satiated so you do not overeat other poor quality fats. Chop up an avocado in your salad, make guacamole, or blend it into a smoothie.
- Dark Leafy Greens - probably the most healthy food on the planet, we cannot eat enough leafy greens. Rich in disease fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, the fiber promotes regularity and the high water and mineral content provide the digestive system with a winning team. Try a quick saute with chopped up greens, garlic, and lemon. add them to your salads or soups, or juice them into your green drinks.
- Liver - still stuck in the 90's, afraid that liver is a filter? Sorry, but science shows that like prefers like. That means to help your liver regenerate new cells, it needs the exact nutrients that are found in liver. Of course, we don't want to eat fatty liver from a conventionally raised animal forced to take steroids, hormones, and antibiotics, Those toxins are exactly what the liver has to filter. However, an animal pastured on native grasses will have a liver rich in Vitamin A, iron, vitamin C, zinc, amino acids, vitamin D, vitamin B's, selenium, and everything your liver needs to work like a champ.

So there you have it. There are many more therapeutic foods that will help your liver naturally detox the daily toxic load. Eating as many of these 15 foods as you can, will help you get a great start. The other key ingredients the liver needs are rest (as in 8 hours of sleep), circulation (from at least 20 minutes of exercise a day), and plenty of pure clean water.
Happy Detoxing!